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CJ Blok® construction hollow blocks are high quality concrete products with high compressive strength, commonly used in Polish construction. These small-sized elements guarantee very good thermal, fire and sound insulation. In addition, they are resistant to frost and moisture. They are produced using a modern Columbia production line, a vibro-pressing technology that vibrates the concrete mix while it is being pressed. This method enables very accurate compaction of concrete mass in the hollow block. As a result, we obtain a smooth surface, even edges and dimensional repeatability, which allows us to build walls that do not require plastering, and thus reduce costs and time of construction. These hollow blocks are used for erecting foundation, structural and filling walls, as well as fire partitions. Wide range of widths of the hollow blocks' walls gives great possibilities to erect various structures, starting from partition walls, through internal and external load bearing walls. CJ Blok® construction hollow blocks can successfully replace traditional materials such as ceramic hollow blocks and bricks.

Small size concrete construction elements are made of environmentally friendly materials - sand, aggregate and cement.